Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans (PANA) Condemns President Biden's Asylum Ban 


Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans (PANA) Condemns President Biden's Asylum Ban 

San Diego, CA – June 4, 2024 – The Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans (PANA) strongly condemns President Biden's recent Asylum Ban. This dangerous policy jeopardizes the lives of asylum seekers, contravenes international law, and perpetuates a cycle of violence and insecurity.

The Asylum Ban, a continuation of previous administrations' harmful measures, reflects a disregard for the United States' legal and moral obligations under international law. By denying asylum seekers the right to seek safety, this policy places vulnerable individuals, including families and children, in imminent danger.

"President Biden's Asylum Ban is a stark betrayal of the very platform he ran on, turning his back on immigrants and refugees," said Maria Chavez, Immigration Legal Director of PANA. "During his 2020 campaign, President Biden promised to restore and strengthen the asylum system, ensure humane treatment for those seeking refuge, and uphold America's commitment to protecting vulnerable populations, as detailed in his campaign's immigration plan. This policy flagrantly violates those promises, contravenes international law, and entrenches the xenophobic and racist politics of his predecessor."

"We cannot ignore the direct link between U.S. foreign policy and the humanitarian crises that lead to forced migration," said Ramla Sahid, Executive Director of PANA. "By enacting policies that deny the right to asylum, we are compounding the suffering of refugees. It is a moral imperative that we streamline and invest in our immigration system to make it more fair for those escaping the consequences of violence and conflict, much of which we have helped cause."

PANA stands firmly against policies that undermine the fundamental principles of asylum and protection for those fleeing persecution and stands with leading advocates for immigrant rights across the country to denounce this dangerous policy.

PANA calls on the Biden administration to immediately rescind the Asylum Ban and work towards policies that uphold human rights and international law. 

For further information, please contact:

Ramla Sahid
Executive Director
Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans (PANA)

Maria Chavez
Immigration Legal Director
Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans (PANA)

About PANA:
The Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans (PANA) is a San Diego-based nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the full economic, social, and civic inclusion of refugees and displaced populations in the San Diego region, throughout California, and across the country. PANA envisions a world where refugees and displaced people are connected leaders building a global movement that ends forced migration and secures meaningful freedom for all.


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