Voice of San Diego: VOSD Podcast: SANDAG’s OMG Moment

Photo source: http://www.voiceofsandiego.org/topics/government/vosd-podcast-sandags-omg-moment/

Photo source: http://www.voiceofsandiego.org/topics/government/vosd-podcast-sandags-omg-moment/

Voice of San Diego quoted Ramla Sahid in a segment called "Nonprofit Exec: San Diego Leaders Aren’t Doing Enough for Refugees" in the article titled "VOSD Podcast: SANDAG’s OMG Moment" by Kinsee Morlan published on February 10th, 2017.

The passage:

There’s a lot of new energy and interest related to San Diego’s refugee population since President Donald Trump’s controversial travel ban.

But Ramla Sahid, executive director of the nonprofit Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans, said San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer and other elected local leaders have yet to react to the refugee ban as passionately as other people in the community.

“We don’t see folks like Kevin Faulconer stepping up to the plate and saying, ‘These are our neighbors, these are our community members,'” Sahid said. “As a city we [should make a] commitment to protect and ensure that they feel welcome. I think that’s a missed opportunity and we just need to call that out.”

PANA is a relatively new nonprofit that serves refugees through research, public policy and community organizing. Sahid joined Lewis and Keatts this week to talk about the issues facing the estimated 82,000 refugees who’ve resettled in San Diego since 1975.


Listen to the podcast.

Source: http://www.voiceofsandiego.org/topics/government/vosd-podcast-sandags-omg-moment/


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